The Surprising Joy in Finding Solitude
I’ve stood there many times, dry erase marker in my hand, staring at the whiteboard and willing inspiration to strike. The solution to a problem had to be in there; I knew that I could find it if only I could clear my head. The many distractions that plague us in the office environment and zap our productivity also inhibit our creativity. It’s truly amazing just how my mind is set free the minute I wander outside to a wide open setting. It could be a park, a golf course, or even a backyard. I turn off my phone and listen the absence of electronic noise. Just like water released from a dam my creative brain wakes up and goes to work. It’s ironic really that my best ideas have always materialized when I was not actively engaged in work. So if you’re stuck, turn off the phone and just walk outside to the nearest open space. Try not to think about all that awaits you indoors; all that remains to be done; and simply exist. Try it, and see if you can set your inner creative brain free.